Saturday, January 23, 2010

23 | Right In Front Of You

Aubrey went to Nana's to have a slumber party with Riley. Joey and I decided to have a date night. . .and the best part about it - IT WAS FREE. For valentine's last year I gave him a movie gift certificate and then last week my mom gave me one to TGIFridays. We put those suckers to use and went to dinner and then went to see AVATAR - I loved it! It was a beautiful story and everyone should go see it and think about it!!

January 23
"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times,
always with the same person."

~Mignon McLaughlin

1 comment:

  1. AVATAR is the best movie EVER!!! James or Jim Cameron is my hero!!! Seriously.

    The scene with the horse running through the forest on fire... oh my god... did that make you teary???
