Tuesday, December 8, 2009

my neck, my back. . .

okay so that might have been a little tacky to use that line from that song but for some reason that is the only song that pops into my head whenever I say "My back". That could be telling me something about me! I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted - almost a month! I have been really busy with the Etsy store. I meet my goal every week and I am constantly thinking of ideas to get my customers to become repeat customers. I spend more time designing for my store than I do scrapbooking *gasp*.

I did make some time to scrapbook this weekend. I actually had nothing else I could do. Somehow on Saturday morning I pulled something in my back and I embarrassed to say that I did flushing the toilet!! Yes you read that right. I got up, went to the bathroom, flushed the toilet and my back cramped up and I hit the floor. Thank God Joey was here. I managed to crawl to the bedroom and scream for him to come help me. Ever since then I have been walking around here like a 90 year old women and he has been laughing at me!! I finally feel a lot better this morning! Anyway back to scrapbooking. . . . . These are the 3 layouts I did over the weekend (remember click on the photo for credits)

sorry Hayley and Dawn I know this one made you cry!

In other news I had a complete emotional meltdown last night because for some reason I have started gaining some of my weight back. We have a Christmas Party this Friday night and I thought I was going to wear my little black dress. . . . I may not be wearing it! You will have to stay tuned to find out if I am able to pull off a miracle this week. It is true what they say about having kids - you lose your identity and you pretty much plan your life around them, house, husband, etc. I have found that over the last couple of months that is exactly what I have done. Yes I take time every now and then to scrapbook but again that really is for Bre and the family - not just me. You can tell just by looking at me if you ever see me out. Bre will be cute! Outfit will match, hair will be cute, she will look well put together. Me on the other hand, I usually have a baseball cap on, a sweater, jeans and sneakers. . . . . not a cute look at all.

Ok that's all I have time for today I have a lot to sneak in before the monster wakes up from her nap and besides I hear the sorry neighbor screaming at his dog again. . . .and well we all know how I feel about that!

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